By: Filip Galekovic
August 19, 2020
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The game only just launched - we know - but the time is nigh for us to make a list of the best Risk of Rain 2 mods! Not only is there a whole bunch of them available to choose from, but some of them are practically indistinguishable from baseline content, too. We're talking about new characters, new items, new levels, but also entirely new game mechanics. Total reworks of core gameplay features, even!
Risk of Rain 2's modding community is positively thriving already. We were surprised to see just how advanced some of these mods are! We'd say Risk of Rain 2 has far surpassed its predecessor already, far as modding goes, but that would be a big friggin' understatement right there!
What we aim to do with this article is to present you with a number of high-quality mods you can install and play right this instant. The process of setting them up might be a bit unintuitive at first, however, so we've also prepared a smallmodding guidefor Risk of Rain 2. Let's get started!
Learn about:
- Installing Risk of Rain 2 mods.
- Choosing Risk of Rain 2 best mods.
- Do mods work in multiplayer?
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How to install Risk of Rain 2 Mods?
Some games are easy to mod. Others, not so much. Thankfully,installing Risk of Rain 2 mods isn'tthat big of a bother, but it might put off those who don't have much experience with these things. If you just follow the steps outlined below, however, you'll be good to go in no time at all!
#1 - Download and Install the Risk of Rain 2 Mod Manager
The obvious first step, right? Visit the RoR2ModManager's mod listing page and hit 'Manual Download' to get the required files onto your PC. It's a simple enough folder, consisting of the following files:
- icon.png
- manifest.json
- ror2-mod-manager-setup-1.0.3.exe
Now, what you want to do is copy these onto your desktop, get through the readme (just in case), and hit the .exe to install this program. From our experience with Risk of Rain 2 mod installation, it's a must-have. Now, one problem youmight end up having is that the app doesn't recognize the game's installation folder, even after pinpointing it during the install. This happened to us, and all you need to do is to hit the 'Preferences' button in the upper right corner of the app's main screen and then define the game's installation folder once more.
It should all work well afterward!
#2 - Download and Install BepInEx Pack and R2API Mod Prerequisites
This is a simple but extremely important step. As soon as you open up the Mod Manager interface, you should be treated with a menu showcasing some of the more popular mods available via the Thunderstore website.
You can safely ignore most of these for the time being, except for the following two:
These are essential prerequisites for any sort of advanced Risk of Rain 2 modding. Without them, you are bound to encounter crashes and all sorts of other, less prominent issues, so get ahead of that and get them in right away.
#3 - Conclude the Mod Manager installation procedure
When you've got both of the mods mentioned above ticked off, hit the 'Apply' button in the lower right corner of the interface for the next dialogue window to pop up.
There, check the lower-left corner of the menu to tick the 'Apply these changes' option, and hit 'Next'.
The application will download everything you need to finally get to picking and choosing your own perfect suite of mods for Risk of Rain 2. Best of all? The Thunderstore website offers you to download whatever you want through the Mod Manager itself, so if you've completed the installation procedure successfully, the rest will be smooth sailing!
Risk of Rain 2 Best Mods
Now that you knowhow to install ROR 2 mods, it's time for you to choose a variety you're most interested in! As always with player-driven content, it can be a bit of a crapshoot. If you know how to pick 'em, though, boy are you in for a heap of fun! First, we're going to show you three of our favorites so far. Afterward, we'll also provide you with a list of other high-quality offerings you might be interested in. That way, you'll get to choose from over a dozen awesome community modules to upgrade your game with! Win-win!
Risk of Rain 2 Sniper Mod
No,really. It'sthe Sniper: she's back, and better than ever before! Those who had the chance to play the first Risk of Rain game will recall the Sniper. Being the ultimate boss-killer Survivor, she focused on slow, deliberate bursts of damage and significant mobility options to, well, stay alive. In this rendition of her Risk of Rain 2 appearance, she's better than ever, and comes with a batch of unique mechanics to boot. For example, holding the right mouse button will trigger her over-the-shoulder aim mode, and the longer you hold it, the more powerful will the resultant shot be. Further, each round needs to be manually loaded into the rifle via a small Gears of War-Esque minigame. The Sniper also comes with a batch of awesome skins and alternate abilities, as well as Challenges to unlock more of them. A must-have, really!
Risk of Rain 2 First-Person Mod
Ever wanted toplay Risk of Rain 2 FPS mode? Well, with this mod, you can! It's a delightfully simple prospect, too. The mod simply makes it so that the game is rendered from a first-person perspective. Due to model constraints and asset issues, you're not going to see your characters' weapons, however. It's a wonderfully arcadey and fast experience, however impractical it might be when the gamereally gets going. Perfect for screenshots and joke runs, if nothing else!
Risk of Rain 2 Item Share Mod
ShareSuiteis a dream come true for cooperative players of Risk of Rain 2. Namely, if you ever wanted to just stop fighting other players for valuable items, and worktogether for a change, this is an absolute must-have. It's a simple tweak, too: any items that are picked up are given to all living members of the party! Nothing short of a game-changer, we're telling you. There are a few other features to ShareSuite, too, as it's a fairly robust modification. For example, it doesn't share party-level items and Lunar items, and the money works on a shared pool sort of basis with it. There's a bunch of configuration options available in the mod files for those who wish to fine-tune the game even further. Developers promise a vanilla-tier playing experience, with an appropriate level of polish. We love it!
Risk of Rain 2 Best Mods List
The three mods mentioned above are our favorites so far, but as we promised, we've got a bunch of other modifications for you to check out!
- Bandit Reloaded Mod - playable Bandit character from the first Risk of Rain game
- Lemurian Mod - playable Lemurian character
- RideMe - lets you ride other members fo your team... yeah...
- FixedSplitscreen - a truly robust split-screen multiplayer solution for those who play on the same PC
- OriginalSoundTrack - allows you to add the soundtrack for the first Risk of Rain game to Risk of Rain 2
- ItemExchangeNotifier - shows you which of your Items will get traded in at the 3D Printer or Forge
- Skills++ - adds a brand new progression system to the game
- ItemDropList - lets you pick-and-choose which Items drop in your runs
- ArtificerExtended - adds a bunch of new abilities and skills to the Artificer
- SolidIceWall - makes it so that Artificer's Ice Walls stop projectiles, finally
- BazaarExpanded - adds various interactive items to the Bazaar, such as a Gold Chest and a Scrapper
- StealthySpawn - grants you a short window of stealth that starts upon spawning into a level
- MattsMinimap - adds a mini map HUD element into the game
- ReviveAfterBoss - revives all dead players after the level Boss is cleared
Of course, this is just scratching the surface. At the moment of writing, there are over 500 (!) mods already available for Risk of Rain 2. The game only just released from Early Access! Imagine what else might be coming down the line. Be sure to check out the website for future updates!
But hold on, do Risk of Rain 2 Mods work in Multiplayer?
We're happy to say thatRisk of Rain 2 modsdo work in Multiplayer mode, too, but with a small caveat. Namely, all players need to have the exact same mods installed while playing with one another. It's a simple concept - file parity is a must-have. Our favorite Sniper mod explains this best: "Fully compatible with multiplayer with no errors or desync as long as everyone has the mod installed," and the same concept applies to most other mods. Unless, of course, it is otherwise stated.
Make sure to always read through the mods' attached ReadMe files. This is generally a good idea, so make it a habit when altering files. Games or otherwise!
What are the best mods for Risk of Rain 2?
To summarize, then, the best mods forRisk of Rain 2 are:
- Sniper Mod
- First-Person Shooter Mod
- Item Share Mod
On top of these, we also recommend the massive list of the less exciting and game-changing additions, as listed in the section above.
Are you impressed yet? We sure were, when we discovered the treasure trove that is Modding is one of our favorite PC gaming features, and to see Risk of Rain 2 making good use of it is nothing short of incredible.
If you'd like to check out the rest of our considerable Risk of Rain 2 coverage, just load the main Community hub and go from there. For a more concrete recommendation, here are two major articles you might not want to miss:
- Risk of Rain 2 Artifacts Guide
- Risk of Rain 2 Full Patch Notes (up to 1.0)
We've been gushing about Risk of Rain 2 ever since it launched in Early Access, and with how Hopoo Games have been going, we'll definitely continue to do so. If you'd like to play the game yourself, we recommend you grab it ASAP, since we've got a neat little discount in place right now. Have fun, and happy hunting!
Play Risk of Rain 2 with Mods today!